What I learnt this week: Thinking responsively

What I learnt this week: Thinking responsively

✓ Making your webpage fit into any screen size is one of the very important jobs of a web developer. If a webpage developed is not made to be responsive to different screen sizes, it causes a whole lot of weirdness to the view in other sized screens.

✓ Making the webpage responsive: Using percentage instead of a fixed "width" (in particular) actually makes a whole lot of difference. For example, if you give a web page a width:650px, when the page is decreased or increased, the width stays fixed and when the page gets too small to contain that 650px, it'll produce a horizontal scrolling which is just ugly.

Instead of doing that, use percentages. If for example you give it width:90%, it'll only take 90% of whatever the screen size or the parent div is. As the screen size or page size decreases, so also will the width size decrease accordingly because what it is to take is exactly 90% of whatever page size is available.

✓ Use of max-width and min-width: The use of max width and min width is to specify the maximum size of width and minimum size of width a container (or whatever it is applied to) can be, no matter the size of the page.

This would be hard to explain without a practical application. You can go on to my LinkedIn or Twitter to see a practical use of these.





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